instructions website

Create a login account

Did you know that you can create loginnames yourself? By clicking on “open file” you will find more information
Browsing the catalog

Searching and placing orders

Read more about the different search options, ordering by item number and the functionality “compare articles”

My profile

Here you will find an overview of all saved information, as the delivery adress, cost center, email address, etc.

Bulletin board

The bulletin board is an efficient communication medium, which you will see immediately after logging in

Uploading shopping lists

Here you will find information about how to create a list of favorite items

Create a delivery address

Here you will read more about how to add/select a delivery address, cost center or reference

Ink & Toner

Save your printer to easily refind it

Mega User

Read more about how to order for other colleagues

Autorization profiles

Create a new autorization profile to approve or modify orders

Autorization in case of absence

In case of absence or illness, the approver can temporarely delegate the autorization to another colleague


Here you will find more information about autorization with two approvers